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Staying Safe

“The person you’re worried about may have told you that they are struggling and wondering if life is worth living, or they may have told you directly that they wished they were dead or that they’re having thoughts of ending their life, or you may be concerned they are thinking about it.”

Text from the website –  stayingsafe.net

Developed by 4 Mental Health with help from many professionals, as well as people with lived experience –  Stayingsafe.net offers ways to help keep people safe from thoughts of harm and suicide, seek support, and discover hope of recovery.

For Carers there’s lots of practical help and guidance – including sections on:

  • how you can help
  • speaking to and advising someone you are worried about
  • sharing hope

The site’s resources include excellent videos from people with lived experience, plus lots of help to work out a Safety Plan.  Everyone is encouraged to prepare for possible difficult times before they happen by completing a safety plan.

There is also a new online course available – Suicide lets Talk  – Produced by NHS Mersey care


Helpful services for carers
Recovery resources for professionals