Posted 26.03.2025
National Clinical Audit of Psychosis: State of the Nation Report 2024

The Royal College of Psychiatrists published the National Clinical Audit of Psychosis State of the Nation Report 2024 in February 2025. The National Clinical Audit of Psychosis is commissioned by the Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP) as part of the National Clinical Audit
and Patient Outcomes Programme (NCAPOP). The report has been co-produced with the core National Clinical Audit of Psychosis (NCAP) team, clinical and service user advisors, the Service User and Carer Reference group (SUCRG) and a steering group of over 30 clinicians, Commissioners, Improvement Cymru and NHS England staff.
The report has 5 key recommendations. The first recommendation has a specific focus on delivery of NICE recommended psychological interventions, including family intervention (FI):
Focus on sustaining performance; notably around timely access and addressing factors affecting delivery of NICE concordant EIP and ARMS provision across all age groups, particularly Family Intervention (FI) in England, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for psychosis (CBTp) in Wales and CBT for ARMS in England and Wales.
The report documents the outcomes of quality improvement initiatives to improve family intervention access and uptake. 12 Early Intervention Psychosis teams received direct 1:1 QI coaching. All 12 teams noted significant cultural shifts in relation to family intervention. One service lead notes:
“There is definitely a shift in culture… I am seeing more and more staff offering FI as part of the EIP package of care.” Service Lead EIP Southampton. Participant in 1st QI collaborative
The NAVIGO team in Grimsby were able to reframe FI as a core element of provision, rather than an add on service. The number of staff trained in FI was doubled, peer supervision was reinstated as protected time, making it a core part of team practice. The team has begun to foster a motivating culture of FI work leading to greater family engagement.
To read more the report is publicly available on the Royal College of Psychiatrists website: Audit reports