Meriden Family Programme 25th Anniversary Conference
You can watch a number of presentations from our 25th Anniversary Conference here , including presentations on the delivery of BFT internationally and a conference panel discussing the implementation of BFT in their services.
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Managing Stress in Families – Book
‘Managing Stress in Families’ originally published in 1993 was republished in 2023. The authors developed Behavioural Family Therapy. This classic text book covers the use of well-researched psychosocial strategies in working with families under stress.
Much of the book is available to read via Google Books and can be purchased in digital format via this link.
Falloon, I. R. H., Laporta, M., Fadden, G., Graham-Hole, V. (2023). Managing Stress in Families: Cognitive and Behavioural Strategies for Enhancing Coping Skills. United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis.
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British Psychological Society – Family Intervention in Psychosis
Published in 2021 this set of guidelines from the British Psychological Society was developed for psychologists and practitioners supporting families and social networks. The guidance contains chapters on the evidence base, common processes in working with families, adaptations for different family groups, working with diversity and family work in different services.
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